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Showing posts with the label Alannah and Madeleine Foundation

Conference for: Connections, Confidence, Camaraderie

Of all the conferences that we have presented our Girlfriends! Program at, The National Centre Against Bullying's 2012 Conference 'Social Media, Bullying and Vulnerability: Connect. Respect. Protect’ 
 (an initiative of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation) has been the best ‘fit’ for us. Chris, Phillippa and I developed the Girlfriends! program after looking for a program to address challenging relationship issues of girls in our own Yarra Valley schools by connecting them with local community mentors and services. It was only after a dozen successful programs in a variety of schools that the concept of a website with free materials and, later a manual was born, over numerous coffees at the Blue Turtle. We wanted the Girlfriends! program manual to be practical, easy to use for teachers, versatile in diverse communities and student-negotiated. For the conference we used the forum: Create your own avatar with discussion focusing on whether its personality would be similar o